
I like boats.

This is an old revision of the document!

Project Links

Camping Stuff

Popular Mechanics , Many old issues of Popular Mechanics, online!

Village Science


How to get cheap or free hardwood lumber , An engineers approach to woodworking.

Woodworking For Beginners: A Manual for Amateurs , An old book on woodworking put online.

Chest of Books, home improvement section , Many old books on woodworking and that sort of stuff.



Fighter Kites

Fighter kites are kites that can be fully controlled using just one line. They can be used to hold aerial battles or just for fun.

Fighter Kite Central

CyberFighter Website , These two sites above have everything you will ever need to know about fighter kites! Enough said.

Putt putt boats

Tiny steam powered boats.

Science toy maker - make a ponyo putt putt boat , A simplified design, no soldering required.

Instructables - Pop pop boat made easy for children.

Youtube video , There are many, many, many more.
